Wednesday, August 12, 2009

what now?

i dont know at all........

thinking of it just destroys my mood.......


help me....

i need YOU.........



cut the emotional craps...

so ok... where was i...
yea... my day was normal but at one point my day sucked dramatically..
so lets not talk about it...... fire! yea fire... i bought a magnesium fire starter... super cool i tell ya!
=) annual dinner was awesome! and i have to type my post mortem and my committee report...... ish... ppl are talking to much.... classes are getting sadder by the day... what a life!

hectic.. preposterous!

this is what im feeling...

manic Monday
terrific Tuesday
weeping Wednesday
terrible Thursday
flipping Friday


summarized version of my day..

i had a freakin deja vu today...
my jaw dropped.......
saw an unimaginable sight..
heart pounded like a ferrari..
and etc etc etc
what a day....

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